Prayer Requests

This is the prayer request page for the Aiken Seventh-day Church.  Please click the button below to add your prayer request.

Aiken SDA Church

I find joy in your Word like someone who finds a priceless treasure. Psalms 119:162

Joan: Lee Hiers had another stroke and needs our prayers. He’s in the

VA Hospital Augusta

I am thankful I feel a little better this Sabbath

Randy Hicks: Please pray for Aubrey (my niece) for healing. She is anorexic with stomach problems.

Dr’s removed NG feeding tube and are hopeful she will thrive. Amen

Please pray for Cheri’s elbow pain to go away. The doctors cannot find a cause.

Also, pray for my mom Birdie. She is 84 yrs old and declining health. Including

loss of memory.

Michelle Jones: Please pray that God will give me traveling mercies as I fly home for Father’s Day week.

Please also pray that God will move on the hearts/minds of my family to join me on

Sabbath for church & that God will enable me to share the present truth message

through song and books at my home church on Sunday.

No Name: Thanks for – God’s protection and watch care

Relief of intense pain

His creation and all the wonders and beauty

So many blessings and all He provides

Pray for - VBS

Church family

For the people going through so many disasters

That we will become more and more like Jesus each day

Lee Hiers, Gloria Clayton, Pastor Ben, Barney & Leslie, Russell & Arlene

God bless each one and may you have a safe and special week. Take time to see and thank God for your

everyday blessings.

Received: June 17, 2018

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